Fine powder

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A fine powder

A fine powder

The A fine powder can be used as a grinding material, and is generally called alundum. It is made from bauxite heated to over 2000(C in an electrical furnace. Bauxite heated to such temperatures melts and forms Al2O3 of purity 90% or more. In order to improve the crush resistance for use as an abrasive grain, a few percentage of titanium is added to the alumina. It has the hardest properties among the abrasive fine powders, and the powder obtained through crushing and classification is then adjusted for uniformity. As a result, a fine powder with a high grinding efficiency and scratch-free surface properties is obtained. The A fine powder is suited for use in super-finishing of whetstones and abrasive papers, and as wrapping paper of glassware and soft metals.

Quality specifications
Type Degree of grain Specific
Chemical composition (%)
Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 TiO2 ZrO2
WA #240 ~ #3000 3.90 or more 99.0 or more 0.3 or less 0.1 or less 0.5 or less
FAE #240 ~ #1200 3.85 or more 90.0 or more 5.0 or less 0.8 or less 5.0 or less
#1500 ~ #3000 3.75 or more 80.0 or more 18.0 or less 1.0 or less 3.0 or less