Fine powder

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GC fine powder

GC fine powder

The GC fine powder is composed of green silicon carbide (SiC) which is a material used for making abrasives. The SiC purity is extremely high and its crystals are extremely hard. The characteristics of this powder is that it is second hardest to diamond. It is known that their hexagonal
crystals are chemically stable even at normal temperature and abrasives made from this powdered product are able to grind blades to extreme sharpness. Electrically, it has the characteristics of a semiconductor and thermally, it can withstand high temperature making it suitable for making high-class ceramics. The GC fine powder is suited for making the following: abrasives for slicing crystals and silicon wafers, superhard
products and blades, and as a wrapping material for wrapping iron and copper alloy casts and photo-mask glasses. It not only is suited for making abrasives andwrappings but also for use as raw material of fine ceramics.

Quality specifications
Type Degree of grain Specific
Chemical composition (%)
SiC FC Fe2O3
GC #240 ~ #3000 3.16 or more 96.0 or more 0.5 or less 0.5 or less
C #240 ~ #3000 3.16 or more 92.0 or more 1.5 or less 1.5 or less